Welcome to the website
of Fragaria Holland
Fragaria Holland is a joint venture the four renowned Dutch strawberry plant growers Van Alphen Aardbeienplanten, De Kemp, Neessen and Rapo.
Deze vermeerderingsbedrijven produceren aardbeiplanten voor telers in Europa en daarbuiten. Diverse planttypes worden door hun geteeld: verse planten, wachtbedptanten, A+ planten and frigoptanten, plugptantjes en trayplanten, opgepotte planten. Zowel productieplanten als vermeerderingsmateriaal (BMl, BM2 en BM5) wordt door deze vermeerderaars geteeld.
Variety trials
It is the goal of the breeding companies of Fragaria Holland BV to search for new varieties to propagate for their customers. For this purpose they have intensive contact with breeders within the EU and beyond. Promising new selections are tested and evaluated on their properties by Fragaria Holland BV in house.
Since 2005, a joint venture Fresh Forward has been established by Fragaria Holland and Plant Research International in Wageningen. Fresh Forward develops new strawberry varieties and controls the licensing policy.
The testing of new selections of Fresh Forward is set up in cooperation with Fragaria Holland BV. Both June-bearers and through-bearers are tested in 15 countries in Europe at growers, grower organizations and testing stations. Within this network, the suitability of the varieties in various climate conditions, soil types and cultivation systems is tested. Data are collected from trial plantings in classical cultivation in the soil but also on substrate (table cultivation, rack cultivation, pot cultivation). The varieties are evaluated for productivity, fruit quality, disease resistance and plant development. Also the suitability for marketing (shelf life, appearance) is evaluated in cooperation with the trade channel.
Fragaria Holland BV wants to contribute to the success of strawberry growers and inform them about cultivation techniques that make the qualities of the varieties come into their own. This for all varieties produced by Fragaria Holland BV but especially those of Fresh Forward. Fragaria Holland BV tries to give preliminary recommendations concerning the cultivation technique in cooperation with test stations, advisors and also based on own test results and cultivation experiences concerning cultivation technique, plant physiology and fertilization.
The objective of Fragaria Holland BV is to provide strawberry growers with healthy and quality planting material. Within the Fragaria Holland BV group, cultivation trials are continuously being carried out bi: varieties in order to provide sufficient and quality planting material.
Different varieties
More than 25 varieties are propagated under licence or contract. These strawberry varieties originate from breeding programmes all over the world such as E. Vinson Ltd., HRI East Malling, SCRI, Planasa, Limberry, Graminor, University of Florida, University of California, PRI and Fresh Forward.
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Binnenkort beschikbaar…
Fragaria is a collaboration between...
Van Alphen Soft Fruits Plants
De Kemp